Thursday 29 September 2011

Info.s about my past concerts

2009-I gave concerts at the Sensai fukko kinenkan hall in Sendai&Chosenji temple in Kakuda in northern Japan. The Article for the concert in Sendai appeared in Kahoku shimpo,a local newspaper for Sendai&Miyagi prefecture in northern Japan. My father,all of my relatives&my former violin teacher,Mr.Kumai attended this concert. 2010- several concerts at the chapel in the Royal marsden hospital(My father attended the one in December),&many concerts at the nursing homes in London&Surrey. 2011(until 29th/September/2011)-at the Viera gray house on 18th/March,at the chapel in the Royal marsden-30th/March,worked as a volunteer for the charity concert for the victims of the tsunami in northern Japan in Greenwich market on 1st/April,at the Abbey lodge(Coulsdon,Surrey) on 5th/April,At the Acorn house(Kenley,Surrey) on 8th/April,at the Eversfield house(Sutton,Surrey) on 15th/April,At the Norfolk house(Weybridge,Surrey)on 22nd/April,gave a concert for the charity concert for the tsunami(as above in Greenwich event)at St.Hilda's church(Crofton park,London)on 23rd/April,at the Beechwood house(Sanderstead,Surrey)on 5th/May,at the Redcot house(Haslemere,Surrey)on 11th/May,at the Orford house on 12th/May,

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